Jamoma was originally born out of the modular construction of a realtime performance management environment called Jade written by Timothy Place using Cycling ‘74 Max. In 2003 the modular architecture was lifted out of Jade at the recommendation of Trond Lossius over meal of shrimp on the West coast of Norway. In 2005 the work began in earnest. Through a processes of coninuous iteration and steady growth of contributors and peer-review, Jamoma has expanded its reach from those humble beginnings.

Over the years Jamoma has been supported in various ways through not only the contributions of time by many but also financially through grants, hosting of workshops, donations of intellectual property, and sponsoring the work to be done. These supporters include:


Join Us

Want to support Jamoma development or host a workshop? Contact us for more information.
If you are a programmer and want to join the Jamoma team, contact us or get involved through Github.

Financial support is also appreciated as a pledgie donation:

Click here to lend your support to: Jamoma and make a donation at www.pledgie.com !